Writed by - Julie Taymor
tomatometer - 4,4 of 10
rating - 823 Vote
The Glorias is a movie starring Julianne Moore, Alicia Vikander, and Janelle Monáe. The story of feminist icon Gloria Steinem's itinerant childhood's influence on her life as a writer, activist and organizer for women's rights
runtime - 2 h 19 M
As a woman, I am truly humbled and deeply moved by this film. I enjoyed it even more than I'd hoped. It tells the story of a fierce, bold woman's tireless work to advocate for female rights. Watching this movie, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like for me to live in a time where I did not have (nearly) the same rights as a man. Even as a 23 year old woman living in America, I have experienced sexism and the negative impacts of a patriarchal society throughout my entire life. I have felt the consequences of being a woman in a man's world since I was a young girl; discrepancies in respect, power, rights. It is more than emotional, it is more than intellectual: my phsyical rights. So many times I have been aware of how my situation would be better, if I were simply a man. I am indebted and thankful for the hard work of Gloria Steinem and her peers for shrinking that gap. While our country and world still has progress to make, I cannot imagine the deep pain and inequalities I would face daily, had it not been for Gloria's hard work and the feminist movement. Thank you.
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The glorias: a life on the road google drive mp4 downloader. I really enjoyed this film! Brilliant performances by the cast, I especially enjoyed seeing native American actress Kimberly Guerrero.
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The glorias: a life on the road google drive mp4 hd. The glorias: a life on the road google drive mp4 convert. I will keep this brief. Being born in 1960, I came age during the 70s. Gloria Steinem was a huge part of my life. Seeing and experiencing all the daily inequities women and girls faced while trying to navigate adolescence was not easy. I turned to Gloria Steinem and Ms. Magazine. I thank God I was born when I was and experienced her leadership. On a final note, as these comments show, many males have not grown at all, in fact they have devolved. This is unfortunate, but not surprising. Ms. Steinem is now in her 80s. I don't cry much, but I know I will cry when she leaves this earth. Great movie about a phenomenal woman.
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